Vdoo – streaming and download [ Update 0.0.4!! ]

Vdoo streaming & download app: New servers added!! (more…)

HTML5 is Dying!

Oh! well believe it or not its on the verge of that. After a much appreciated effort from Steve jobs to prove that their devices couldn’t play flash because flash was buggy, the truth has come out rather remarkably… i devices cannot play flash …not today not tomorrow not ever…

What this means:

Remember HTML5 is suppose to be a standard. In the quick near future if HTML5 cannot seriously mature to its expected level.. even 2020 is too quick to bet on that technology. All investments made on HTML5 are going to be wasted if you cannot (more…)

What is missing in Adobe Flash Player 10.1 ? – “Adobe” itself

Have a deep close look at these pictures to see whats new in the latest Flash Player.  Am sure guys at Adobe already know this..  🙂 (more…)

Justice Prevails – “Apple the new world leader in software insecurity”

Even as the current market for Adobe Flash soars sky high, we cant forget what Adobe went through a little while back, taking backlash from Apple. Riding on waves of iPhone/iPad success, the company had completely forgotten a very simple thing. “What you throw at others, comes back at you one day.(more…)