Detect if the stream being published to Wowza is an SRT stream or not.

The latest version of Wowza adeptly supports SRT ingest. Here is an article from Wowza that explains how to publish an SRT stream from Wirecast and get it into Wowza through Mediacaster. It is a fairly simple step by step to getting started with SRT. But now we are left with the dilemma of how to detect this on the server-side within a module. In other words how to know in a module if the publishing stream is an SRT stream or not. Here is a code snippet from the onPublish method of an IMediaStreamActionNotify implementation that demonstrates how to check if the stream is an SRT stream.

public void onPublish(IMediaStream stream, String arg1, boolean arg2, boolean arg3) {
    getLogger().info(".onPublish => stream " + arg1);
    RTPStream rtpStream = stream.getRTPStream();
    if (rtpStream != null)
            getLogger().info("SRT stream detected => stream name : " + arg1);

Read a text file from Wowza’s conf directory

Reading configuration files from the conf directory within a module is a very common occurring in wowza. the following code snippet shows how to read a text file as string from the conf directory. If the file does not exist the code throws an IOException. this example makes use of the environment variable WMSCONFIG_HOME,

 * Read a text file as string from the wowza conf directory give the filename
 * @param filename file name of the file to read
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private String readFileFromConfigDirectory(String filename) throws IOException
    String conf_home = System.getenv("WMSCONFIG_HOME");
    File conf_dir = new File(conf_home + File.separator + "conf");
    if(conf_dir.exists()) {
        // read the file contents here
        File file_to_read= new File(conf_dir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + filename);
        if(file_to_read.exists()) {
            String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(file_to_read.getAbsolutePath())));
            return content;
        else {
            throw new IOException("oops! file "+filename+" not found!!");
    else {
        throw new IOException("oops! conf directory was not found!!");

Checking Stream Latency using embedded Timecode in OBS (Hindi)

Often we see ourselves troubled by latency issues in live streaming. There are several options to reduce latency…starting from finetuning broadcast settings to switching protocols. Irrespective of the steps taken, it is sometimes preferable to evaluate the latency in a simple way that is admissible to our eyes. In this video, we see how to use embedded timecodes to evaluate actual real-time latency in a live stream. <!–more–>Such testing is encouraged during development stages but might not be best for production.


OBS Download:
OBS RTC Timecode Generator: