How to read battery info on Android with Adobe AIR

With Adobe AIR native extensions, it is extremely easy to read the battery data of your android device from within your AIR application. Here is how to get going… (more…)

last comments
Akbar Goldust
Akbar Goldust

Hi I have used your Native Extension in my app batteryData.rawLevel batteryData.scale batteryData.temperature unit is Celsius ? batteryData.voltage it gives…
Akbar Goldust
Akbar Goldust

and what is rawLevel and access ? Thanks for your great NAE

Hi, Can i get the dynamic battery value whenever it changes on device for Android AIR application? Regards, Sudar

How to set wallpaper on Android with Adobe AIR

With Adobe AIR native extensions, it is extremely easy to change the wallpaper of your android device from within your AIR application. (more…)

Download Air Native Extensions at

Very happy to announce that we are launching a mini store of adobe air native extensions for android. You can download the trial versions for free and experiment all you want. You can also comment with a link to Adobe AIR ideas site,  if you need a special extension. (more…)

ANEBuilder 4 Android – A tool to automate ane creation for android on windows

I have been up and running with Adobe AIR native extensions this whole week. In the process of failing and trying , cooked up this utility tool that will make your life easier for now  (Until flash builder itself packages ANE naively).


last comments
Ilya Gazman
Ilya Gazman

Hi, I been very exited to use your tool, this is a great idea! Unfortunately it did not worked for…