Open source video revolution – OSMF on Red5

JWFLV Player vs Flow Player vs Strobe:

Strobe Player:

Note that in some cases flash player may ask you to accept ssl certificate. this happens only with red5 running the OSMF player

OSMF is a move by Adobe which clarifies how much flash is towards openness. Whether your needs are to setup a video-tube site or live event broadcasting, OSMF and Red5 provide the perfect package to go fully open source. No more cumbersome domain licenses. No more expensive RTMP solutions. Take up Red5 , download Adobe strobe playback component and go live – completely open source. (more…)

“The Storm Is Brewing… Gods Are Angry” – “Apple Beware !”

As the situation reveals, Apple may be in thick soup. Department of Justice’s investigation is going to go deeper than just digital music. There seems to be a list of anti-trust compilations building up against Apple. Adobe’s cross compilation ban is only one of the many points scored by Apple.

There are reports that Apple may have pressured Sony Music Entertainment and EMI to stop participating in a special discount promotion offered by Amazon, one of Apple’s leading competitors in digital music. As Billboard magazine reports (more…)

Apple is making its own Flash !! – Gianduia

Two is a company.. three is a crowd” is so well framed. It seems this bus is getting too crowded already. And all the more morbid in a way.

  • Microsoft wants its own flash so starts out with Silverlight.
  • Java wants its own flash so we have JavaFX
  • HTML5 standard i a clone of Flash features
  • Now Apple also wants its own flash to its making Gianduia

What is wrong with people. If you like the way things work just get together with one company and make it as a standard. There is no point is wasting money and duping developers, saying “we can make it better!!”.

Image via apple insider - appstore made with Gianduia

How pathetic can the market get ?. And if Apple’s story is true then its a mocking question that, if you really dont want Flash as a standard and believe HTML5 is for the best, why do this. And for all those writers out there.. who loved to write.. HTML5 vs Flash, Flash vs Silverlight etc: here is a topic to make a few more articles.

So now as developers, we have a garbage to walk over and as users people have a right to ask what is the game all about?.  When will it stop? and how many plugins  / standards do i have to install before i can browse the web correctly ? Well at-least i would like to know how many more Flash clones are there in making..

Flash looses yet another – Scribd moves to HTML5

One of the web’s largest online document sharing site has, decided to move to HTML5, leaving behind the technology that has been faithful to it for all these years – Adobe Flash.  Jared Friedman, co-founder and CTO of Scribd considers flash as a excellent platform for online games, but not everything that it is used for, and definitely not showing documents. Scribd claims that its HTML5 viewer will make it compatible with every device out there and make Scribd a more usable than before. Scribd demos its HTML5 viewer here on TechCrunch. Scribd also claims that they have tamed the issue of supporting all browsers when it comes to serving their new HTML5 viewer. Currently Scribd will go with a Flash-HTML5 model and then in 6 months from now they plan to go Flash free.