Just released version 1.4 version of FxTubeRecorder now provides a extensive Javascript api and most sought after features when building a social network. Now with FxTubeRecorder you can easily clone the following features of popular social sites:
1. Video message recording of Facebook
2. Photo capture feature of Facebook
3. Quick capture of YouTube
If you are building you own social site or already have one, this is the best suited product for you. Check out the product demos:
Video : http://messagerecorder.flashvisions.com/
Audio: http://messagerecorder.flashvisions.com/audiorecorder/
Photo Capture: http://messagerecorder.flashvisions.com/digicam/
*For more info on product and purchase visit: http://rtmpworld.com/products/fxtuberecorder
I currently am downloading .swf video files from my Red5 Web server to online clients. I would like the video files to download faster and play more smoothly. I do not know how to use rtmp and have been unable to install the oflademo which accompanies the red5 software. Was I supposed to request demoes to be included when I built the Red5 package?
At any rate, if you folks have a solution which would allow me (my clients) to download videos quickly and play them smoothly I would be interested to know more. Thanks,
Bob Leasure