Android Broadcaster : multipurpose streamer out of beta !!

Android Broadcaster is a multi-purpose, multi-protocol live video/audio encoder for android platform. Android Broadcaster carries forward the legacy of Adobe Flash based live broadcasting on desktop onto the android ecosystem. Now use your Android smart phone/tablet to do live broadcasting from anywhere ,at any-time. Android broadcaster supports both media server based broadcasting(RTMP, RTMPT, RTMPE, RTMPS) and server-less P2P multicast (RTMFP). Android Broadcaster is also capable of playing live/recorded content of various formats.  Android Broadcaster is the one stop RTMP broadcaster/recorder/player that you will ever need.

What’s New – Version 1.0

* Completely revamped design and functionality to support wider range of smart phones and tablets
* Allows video/audio recording/broadcasting
* Allows playback over rtmp, rtsp (on supported devices) and http for various types of media streams
* API allows you to tightly integration Android broadcaster with your own website.
* API allows you to authenticate users on your own domain and load publisher settings directly from your website.
* Extended support for all major tablets

Download Now !!

Android Broadcaster: A Universal streaming app for android

1 Comment
  1. vnezapno says:

    Hi, great stuff there. What did you use for UI Flex or Feathers ?
    Can we get the sources ? đŸ™‚

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