Capturing client parameters in a Red5pro application

Capturing parameters passed from client to Red5pro server application is a very simple and useful step if you wish to capture data from the client on connection for authentication, validation etc:.

When working with Red5pro, you have different types of clients that can connect to Red5pro – Flash(RTMP), Android/IOS(RTSP), and HTML5(RTC) clients. Each client transmits parameters in a different way. Hence for proper handling, it is recommended to check the client connection type and then devise your parameter collection logic.

In this article, we shall see how to build a simple logic that checks for client type and extract connection parameters accordingly. The recommended parameters capturing point is the appConnect method of your application adapter class. This is the method which gets invoked when a compatible client tried to connect to Red5pro.

Android Broadcaster : multipurpose streamer out of beta !!

Android Broadcaster is a multi-purpose, multi-protocol live video/audio encoder for android platform. Android Broadcaster carries forward the legacy of Adobe Flash based live broadcasting on desktop onto the android ecosystem. Now use your Android smart phone/tablet to do live broadcasting from anywhere ,at any-time. Android broadcaster supports both media server based broadcasting(RTMP, RTMPT, RTMPE, RTMPS) and server-less P2P multicast (RTMFP). Android Broadcaster is also capable of playing live/recorded content of various formats.  Android Broadcaster is the one stop RTMP broadcaster/recorder/player that you will ever need.

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Hi, great stuff there. What did you use for UI Flex or Feathers ? Can we get the sources ?…

Free P2P live broadcasting on android platform – Android Broadcaster Beta !!

Presenting the complete P2P combo package for everyone out there for free non commercial usage. Experience next generation broadcasting technology between mobile devices and desktops with ANDROID BROADCASTER and WATCHMYPEER.COM. Contact support[at] for any business or technical (more…)

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I have been looking for something like this to stream my storm chasing adventures to a FMS server. Works good…

One product that clones two features of Facebook and one feature of YouTube – FXTubeRecorder

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bob leasure
bob leasure

Hi, I currently am downloading .swf video files from my Red5 Web server to online clients. I would like the…