With Adobe AIR native extensions, it is extremely easy to read the battery data of your android device from within your AIR application. Here is how to get going… (more…)
- June 24, 2012
- Android, Mobile
- Actionscript 3.0, Adobe AIR, Air, Android, Battery, Battery Info, HTC, Mobile, Native Extension
How to read battery info on Android with Adobe AIR
last comments
Akbar Goldust
Hi I have used your Native Extension in my app batteryData.rawLevel batteryData.scale batteryData.temperature unit is Celsius ? batteryData.voltage it gives…
Hi I have used your Native Extension in my app batteryData.rawLevel batteryData.scale batteryData.temperature unit is Celsius ? batteryData.voltage it gives…
Akbar Goldust
and what is rawLevel and access ? Thanks for your great NAE
and what is rawLevel and access ? Thanks for your great NAE
Hi, Can i get the dynamic battery value whenever it changes on device for Android AIR application? Regards, Sudar
Hi, Can i get the dynamic battery value whenever it changes on device for Android AIR application? Regards, Sudar