Vdoo – streaming and download [ Update 0.0.4!! ]

Vdoo streaming & download app: New servers added!!

Vdoo now supports 33 unique servers!!

+ Video.tt
+ Vodlocker.com
+ Played.to
+ Ishared.eu
+ Mega-vids.com
+ Exashare.com
+ Vidspot.net
+ Sharevid.org
+ AllMyVideos
+ DaClips
+ DivXStage
+ FileNuke
+ GorillaVid
+ MovPod
+ NosVideo
+ NovaMov
+ NowVideo
+ PutLocker
+ ShareSix
+ SockShare
+ StageVu
+ VidHog
+ VideoWeed
+ Zalaa

Updated: 29/01/2014
+ Divxvids.in
+ Divxpress.com
+ Movreel.com
+ Vidpaid.com
+ Jetvideo.so
+ Videla.org
+ Freshvideo.net
+ Sharexvid.com
+ Vidzbeez.com


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